December 7, 2008

wahooo I did it... I now have a TOP 50 BLOGS when you get some time go in and join up and you can add your button to your blogs and get ranked...
you do not need a flashy banner to join upall you need is your blogs url address - so go for it ...but if you have an image/blinkie you wish to use, they need to be the standard topsite size which is 468x60px
This is a great place to find all your favourite blogs in one placeas each member that joins up will have a direct link straight to their blog...
if you want one on your blog, then join up


Mandy said...

Hey Nat...have just joined your listy thing...have looked at your blog before and love have so many bits and pieces blog is very basic as I am a learner at it....hope one day mine will look as gorgeous as yours!!!

lexie said...

Nat I love your blog to bits it always adds a little bit of sparckle to my day
luv Lexie oxo