"please mum"
all day Jake nagged me to scrap his Nintendo DS for him! He has never liked the baby blue colour of it and has had it covered in stickers - well that is until today!
he took off the hotwheels cover and picked out what he wanted me to use, Basic Grey papers, Bo Bunny stamps and Kaiser rub ons, placed them on my desk and nagged and nagged and nagged till I finally caved and scrapped his DS to his instructions
'no mummy put that there, cut that from the middle of the paper, I dont want flowers, yeah add the black letters, yeah stamp that there and that here'
the kids got a good eye for scrappin!

its a little mini canvas n easel which stands bout 4.5 inch tall!
check out the cutest little mini tiny weeny buttons!

what did you do today, anything exciting?
have you recovered from Christmas?
got any plans for New Years Eve?
we gonna have a stinker of a hot day here, they are predicting 39 for new years eve and 41 for new years day! great!!!! we have insulation being installed but not till the 13th....
this is a hotbox of a house so we might have to go visiting for those two days... ehehhe
might find a friend with a pool n air con! LOL
well my beautiful people I am outa here, gonna go hit the couch n watch 'Tropic Thunder' with the kids. Have you seen that movie? any good?
till tomorow
yeah I am back to daily posts again, yippee... more dribble from me - can you hack it?
hope to see you back again tomoz
oh oh Kings of Leon are on the radio gotta stay for abit longer, I luv this guys voice
Hot as a fever, rattling bones... I could just taste it
taste it.... but it's not forever, but it's just tonight
Oh we're still the greatest the greatest the greatest
wayoooooouuuuuuu your sex in on fire
sorry got carried away singin there
I know I was rather loud too wasnt I - oops!
I will stop now, the kids are lookin at me funny...
better duck back under the table here
mwa mwa from the very red faced Nat

Love the DS Nat!!!!
WOW that looks so cool...
Nat I love your little canvas..it is what has drawn me in to have a further sticky beak..love your blog. Will visit again - thinking about the forum too (only prob is I never get anything done if I get chatting!)
Sorry Nat, but I think that your canvas is fantastic!!! Shall I send my postal address seeing as how you don't like it???
You are a very talanted lady!!
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