and yes its been a much better day than yesterday - a very lazy day actually!
I am so over this heat, it has turned me into a nightowl that spends the day on the couch LOL
was up till 2am rearranging and sorting this house again and shouldnt have! this poor body of mine doesnt like it too much
We have a bulk rubbish collection starting on Monday morn so what better time to sort through every single last bit of crap I can hoard?
Tash and Renee seemed to like me being busy up the other end of the house cause when I ventured back out here this is what I discovered!yep... they raided my stash
had the giggles sooo badly when they spotted me that Renee got the snorts and everytime she did Tash cackled. In the end the pair were laying on the floor in agony with tears running down their faces!
thank goodness I had all my 'new' stash in the other room and they didnt get into any of that, I woulda gone apes**t hehehe
Josh finally crawled home today, very red and burnt, he's been at his mates place since Tuesday near the beach learning to surf
He made me laugh though, he rings me all excited to tell me that they were at Trigg when they closed the beach due to 3 shark sitings heading in their direction! and drops into the convo that his feet are burnt!
I said, what just ya feet?
'yeah mum we were hot so we buried ourselves in the sand with our heads in the shade and just my feet were out'
and yeah they are VERY RED... funny! he had 'white socks' feet only now they red socks!
sorry Josh, but you really made my day with your blonde moment!
I have decided to share some of Tasha's photography with each post too
(she is loving the comments and feedback)
this is one of my favs she took the other week
I asked her to get some pics of the boys for me to scrap and this was the one and only one she could bring herself to take
I will have to train her to do as she's told LOL
and I am busting to scrap!
I just gotta get this cleaning bug outa my system first! I even cleaned my scrap space last night!
well I kinda had to after the girls went through so much and so kindly said they couldnt put it away cause they couldnt remember where it all went!
gee these posts of mine are starting to become novels lately! oops
oh well, if you get too bored of reading them, I sorry!
better take a mental note next time you pop in to grab a cuppa first! lol
I been chuckling at Jake's obsession with Spongebob Squarepants lately!
I been chuckling at Jake's obsession with Spongebob Squarepants lately!
he is sitting on his computer here next to me with Spongebob tucked into the front of his shirt so 'he' can apparently see the game too!
wata dag!
this pic is of the teddy that he and Shae share custody of!
we have been hunting the stores for months for one and only found one in a second hand shop the other day, so the pair of them take turns! one day each
he whacked his nose at gym the other day and is now sporting a colourful face!
he was sooo knackered after the 5 hour session that by 11pm that night he was crying in agony, his leg muscels were sorer than his nose!
is that a real word? sorer?
yeah the electric chair was invented by a dentist!
how scary!
todays question of the day is:
be interesting to see the answer to that one!
(it's 5.11pm for me)
oh yeah I got another blog award to share around
but I am sorry it will have to wait till tomorow
ok, my darling beautiful peoples I am outa here
better go cook some dinner and get this evening started so I CAN SCRAP
till tomorow
take care n keep smilin its 2009
mwa mwa
oh you crack me up LOL
Mad... the lot of you :o)
Ok, so it is 5:39 when I read this haha
I am lovin Tash's photographt. Has she thought of hosting her own blog. I know I'd love to wath it.
PML SpongeBob. Do kids really share custody of toys?? Thats hysterical!!
It is 7.47pm AEST for me right now.
Love the pic of the boys too.
mwa mwa xx
Tash's photos rock! She has 'it' for sure and she is gonna make one heck of a photographer.
Tell Jake I am now on the lookout for another Spongebob....
It's 7.55pm here darlin'
Tash is taking some beautiful photos. James won't share his with me I have to try and sneak them off him.I'm sure I saw a sponge Bob just like that at Liverpool when I was chrissy shopping. Will have a look can't remember which shop I saw it
Right here now it is 10.39pm AEST... love the photo's. Tell Tash her photo's rock and I like shell's idea of a blog for her pic's....
11.42 pm AESDST is the time I am reading this!
Your daughter has a real talent for taking photos Nat. I am encouraging my daughter, Gillian in that area too!! I love reading your posts, they are so funny and I really enjoy them heaps!! Thanks for sharing your life with me.
OMG how funny...I just saw your dining chairs. Exactly the same material covering as mine.
doo doo doo doo freaky!!
I'll email ya a pic lol...
When you have whipped your house into shape come and do mine pleeease...have slipped in to holiday mode with Chris and the Tash's photoghraphy she really does have a talent for it...if I ever come across a Sponge bob I will send it for Jake....oh and the time is 7.40am ....this has become a habit get coffee and read Nats blog first thing.....much more interesting than a
its 5.54 when I read this, but on Saturday LOL
Tashs photography is awesome again, and sunburnt feet? eeeekkkkkkk LOL
Yep, what Kirsti said.....
MAD the lot of you! LOL
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