oh what a week I have had...
busy busy busy
Jake had his school sports carnival on Friday - yes in the rain I sat all day LOL
he ran his little butt off, bounced around all day and cheered on his team till his throat was coarse - came home and ran running races with the neighbors up and down the street till dark. Dunno where that boy gets all his energy from!
can you tell what colour he's in???

His hair is now a lovely shade of stained green....
he luvs it - so much that he now thinks he is some kind of superhero!!!
Tash got off her grounding today, she is soooo happy!
her best friend, Brittney has her 13th birthday party tonight, a fancy dress - they are both going as cowgirls
Sounds like its gonna be a good night, I am babysitting Brittneys younger sisters while the big kids get to play... on the bouncy castle... LOL
yep, they having a bouncy castle, pinatas, pass the parcel
moch cocktail slushy's, bom fire .. all sorts
just hope they all behave themselves!!!
spent the afternoon waxing the girls eyebrows, dying Tasha's hair blonde, doing their make ups and listening to their excited giggles!
that photo was taken yesterday during their 'dress rehearsal' - really though, I think it was just their excuse to both wear their new skinny leg jeans! LOL
Fashion is coming back to bite us all in the backside - skinny legs! OMG did I beg and plead for a pair of them (in size 9 to wear to a blue light disco! LOL)
oh now that just makes me sound old
on the scrapping front
Earlier this week I lost my
it ran away - took off down the pub apparently! lol
played a few tunes on the jukebox, drank tooo much and kicked butt in pool
after sending out a search party it finally crawled back home with its tail between its legs, yeah a little hungover, but, these layouts were the result...
this first one is for the random challenge at TBSS
to use a 'funky photo'
I used the beautiful Pink Paislee Vintage Moon collection from my DT pack
omg these are gorgeous, I sooo luv working with Pink Paislee
the rub ons are WICKED... so smooth
and the chipboard 'topsiders' are awesome

and again, this one is using the Pink Paisley Vintage Moon Papers and is a
scraplift of Deb Mitchell's layout called 'totally you' as a part of the challenge
chics scraplift challenge
My eldest son Josh is all about attitude - such an appropriate title for him
and the little quote reads
- I know I'm not perfect, but I am so close it scares me -
and this one is another for the challenge
TBSS sponsors Debs Creations each month with 2 challenges each worth $20 store vouchers,
click here to check it out, luv to see you have a go too
this one is challenge #2 - I chose SEI Poppy papers to compliment Jake... LOL
He was soooo peeved bout that, but I rekkon he looks cute in pink and he will always be my mummys little boy!
And this one is for the beautiful Shell
this is her youngest son Nash, isn't he just the cutest???
and this one is for the beautiful Tracey
her youngest two kiddies Brady and Kiahna
oh wow... here I was thinking this was gonna be a short post
best let you get back to blog hopping - thanks for stopping by
take care and behave yourself
Luv Nat xx
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