I would like to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas
Hope you all have a happy and safe festive holiday
filled with lots of love and laughter
Luv Nat xx
For something a little different, I tagged along with a friend to work today and that meant a trip to the cemetery!
And a great op. for a few photo's...
I have always enjoyed a wonder through a graveyard, lost in thought for all the beautiful people whom were and still are well loved by so many in this 'Concrete Jungle'.
wondering through the lane-ways is truly a beautiful peaceful sight
the character and charm that age creates
And a great op. for a few photo's...
I have always enjoyed a wonder through a graveyard, lost in thought for all the beautiful people whom were and still are well loved by so many in this 'Concrete Jungle'.

Now time for some scrappin.... lol
this first layout is one of my December projects for DownUnder Direct with a Summer theme
I have used another of the fabbo pics from my friend Bob, this is one of his little ladies enjoying a drive

and a couple of digi's
this is my beautiful niece Rachelle whom I miss LOADS... mwa mwa sweety

and my MONSTERMAN Jake...

And now its that time of day to find some energy again....
Till next time peeps
take care
Luv Nat xx